Macchu Pisco unveiled a new premium pisco this year, Ñusta, calling it the world’s first luxury pisco. Only 100 bottles were released, each made from a whopping 30 pounds of grapes. At a recent dinner held at Bourbon Steak, Macchu Pisco founder and distiller Melanie Asher showcased the stunning expression.

Ñusta, which translates to Inca Princess in the ancient Quechua language, is a mosto verde pisco, and is also a puro made from the Italia grape. (Learn about the types of pisco here.)

Mosto verdes require more grapes in order to be produced, as they are distilled from sweet wine before the fermentation process is complete. Further, for Ñusta, Asher depended entirely upon a gravity press system, a several-day process which dates back centuries. Her production of Ñusta was a near decade-long pursuit and side project until she was able to perfectly craft and refine it to her exacting standards.

As for how it actually tastes, Ñusta is exceedingly smooth and well-rounded, with both an earthy and floral profile, and bright touches of citrus, lemongrass and tropical fruits. For full tasting notes, head over to Distiller for the official review.

Locally in D.C., consumers wishing to pick up a bottle of their own can head to 1 West Dupont Circle Wines & Liquors, or Wide World of Wines. Ñusta retails at $250 per bottle.

If you’d prefer to give it a spin before bringing it home, head to a restaurant which has it stocked, such as Bourbon Steak or China Chilcano. For those escaping south this winter, Coya Restaurant is the place to get your Ñusta fix in Miami.

At Bourbon Steak, head bartender Torrence Swain takes an extremely delicate approach to Ñusta, using other ingredients sparingly in order to let the spirit itself do the talking. The preference is to either serve it chilled and neat, or just so slightly highlighted by a new touch in a cocktail, the bright notes of a flower bud and a few drops of vermouth, perhaps.